
Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is SEO

    SEO is Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a process or technic to increase the search visibility of your website organically on leading search engines like Google, Yahoo and bing.

  • Why do you need SEO?

    When prospective customers of yours perform a search over any search engine, do they find you or a competitor of yours? If they find your competitors on top so it’s very obvious that you lose business.

  • What is organic listing or natural listing?

    Organic listing appears on the left side of the Google search page, sometimes just below the top three paid listing because of their relevance to the search terms, and as opposed to their being paid advertisements.

  • What is keyword and how can you help me to find best keywords?

    Keyword is a word or phrase that a searcher uses on a search engine to find his relevant search result on search result page. A right keyword can get you right traffic, so my team will perform a keyword analysis to find you the best keyword keeping in mind your targeted market, search volume, competition etc.

  • My Website is already at top 1 ranking. What else you can do for me?

    There might be other possible keywords on which your competitors are ranking higher and doing more business. A diversified number of keywords always ensure 100% traffic. We will not just focus search engines to get you more organic traffic but also we focus on social media platform to meet your business requirement, as you know the power of social media in today’s market scenario.

  • What is PageRank?

    PageRank is a numerical weightage given to each page by Google. It is calculated out of 10 and updated every 3-4 months by Google. The more SERP the better you are presented over internet.

  • What is Backlink?

    Backlinks are inbound/outbound links to a website or web page. As per the Google guidelines a website should have a quality and theme based back links. Backlink acts as one of the key factors in determining the ranking of your website.

  • How can backlinks be improved?

    We provide a quality and theme based backlinks by a very manual back link submissions process to improve your website online presence and to score a better rank for your keywords. We use more than 25 different sources for getting back links like directories, articles, blogs, bookmarks, press release, you-tube submission, video submission, local listing, classified posting, etc as per the plan you choose.

  • How do you guarantee that the backlinks will not be removed after few months?

    We do not buy links. We are involved in natural link building process. So the links you get are mostly permanent links which cannot be removed.

  • White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO?

    White Hat SEO refers to the usage of SEO strategies, techniques and tactics that focus on a human audience opposed to search engines and completely follows search engine rules and policies.

    The term Black Hat SEO is used widely to describe any tactics of search engine optimization which are considered “unethical” or are forbidden by search engines.

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