Top Features Every Website Needs (Late 2022 and Beyond)

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The much-awaited 2023 is here, and take a moment to think about how many websites you saw in the past few years. Only a few stood out because they were user-friendly and attractive. Those are the ones you remember.

And similarly, there are websites that leave negative feelings in users’ minds. Such are the websites that fail to bring back customers, which in turn increases the bounce rate of the website. If you do not want to increase the bounce rate of the website, then try and follow as many trends as you can, as mentioned below:

1. Dark mode

Dark Mode has become one of the necessities for the website because most people opt for the dark mode even during the day. The dark mode theme is a must for international brands because their customer base is global. Thus, due to the time difference, they might need to access the website at night, in which case, dark mode comes in handy.

2. White spacing

Using white space or negative space for the website has recently become popular. It gives the website a neat and organized look. It also enhances the brand’s motive which is brought out boldly through images, videos, and texts.

3. The page dedicated to the story of the brand

Customers these days need to learn the story behind the brand. They need to know the history of the brand, to learn about the founder’s background, and why they started the business or what is the mission and vision of the company. Thus, one of the latest trends is dedicating a page to the brand of the story and updating it regularly with various news.  

4. Minimalism

While the 90s theme is coming back in style, classics like minimalism don’t go out of style. Having minimal elements on the website makes it look rich and classy and oozes seriousness. If your brand doesn’t need bold fonts and larger-than-life quirky pictures and products are strong enough, then minimalism is the trend that needs to be followed.  

5. Blogs

As the trend of minimalism is classic, the blog page trend is also traditional. Blogging will always remain in – style because people will never stop reading the content. However, they might abandon the blog if it is neither – entertaining and informative. Hence, people prefer to read blogs of the sites which provide them with the option of social bookmarking.

Social Bookmarking sites allow readers to save the blogs they find exciting or put them on the TBR list. If your brand happens to be one such website, then you are in luck. If it is not, you can always work upon it and give them the unique content. Such blogs can be sent via mail to the subscribers too. 

6. Language

If your brand has not reached international markets but has the potential to, then the website must have the feature to translate the website into various languages. The English language is universal, yet many people cannot read it. Not only that, it should be translated into vernacular languages and dialects, having made it easier for the natives.

7. Responsive design

It is not unknown to anyone that most people open websites on mobile phones or tablets, especially if it is an eCommerce website. Thus, the website must have a responsive design to fit the page of any device – be it a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone.  

8. Modern scrolling

Modern scrolling doesn’t have traditional drop-down scrolling like Instagram or Facebook. Websites have adapted to horizontal scrolling or parallax scrolling and have abandoned vertical mindless scrolling. They want to give users a different kind of experience, and if you can incorporate this element, be as creative with it as possible.

9. Scroll triggered animations

If you want to take animation or scroll up a notch, you can go for scroll-triggered designs. Whenever the user clicks, animation, illustration, or cartoon pops up or slides. This is where ingenious web developers come into the picture showing their skills. One of the best examples of scroll-triggered animation we have come across is Nomadic Tribe.

10. Titles/Taglines

Titles and taglines of the home page and other pages should be bold and catchy. It doesn’t make a big difference, but the lack thereof indeed feels off. Users will understand what your brand is up to when they see taglines and titles. These make it easy for them to understand what the brand is about and how it can be helpful to them.

11. Creative footers

Footers need to have more than the physical address of the brand’s office, map, and other contact details. It can have achievements, social media links, a list of landing pages as headers, policies, a call-to-action button, and absolutely nothing but the subscription option. No matter what is mentioned in the footer, it holds equal importance to the website. Thus, they should be made attractive.

12. Faster loading

Faster loading is again not a trend but a necessity. It is not limited to this year but has been a necessity in past years and will be in coming years too. This is a fundamental requirement of making any website, and more than a designer, it is a web developer’s task. They need to make sure; the website loads faster on every device and during the sale, giveaways, and when the offers are made live.

13. Scrapbook aesthetics

Scrapbook aesthetics, as the name suggests, give a personalized and creative touch to the website. If executed correctly, it can provide a personal feel to the website. It makes the user think that brands have invested their time, money, and energy in building the brand’s online reputation. Having a poor-looking website also takes away the trust of the user. They might consider such brands as frauds.

14. Multimedia experience

It is 2023, and websites only with written content might not survive the market and fail. Thus, it is necessary to incorporate multimedia into the website, including images, videos, illustrations, doodles, graphics (bold or subtle), written content, animation, and audio content. The podcast and YouTube videos will work in your favor.

15. Landing Page for festival-collaboration-cause

Creating a separate landing page can be helpful for an eCommerce website. It will contain all the details of products that are festival oriented. Also, it could be dedicated to the collaborators that your brand has associated with. And if your brand is related to the cause, it is necessary to showcase it to the world and spread the good word giving a chance to people to join the cause.

Wrapping up:

Only an expert would know which trends to follow to make the user experience smoother and better. It is not everyone’s cup of tea to incorporate the above mentioned features. A website is a work of art, and only the web designer with experience, skill, and creativity; can create a website that attracts users. Get in touch with us and give the latest touch to your website.

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